Northbound on the Appalachian Trail

Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012

Start: Allenbury Resort, Boiling Springs, PA

We woke up at 7 am, packed up and left our hotel room by 8:15 am. The hotel had a buffet breakfast for only $6 dollars per person. All it took was the word "Bacon" and I had Brian convinced we should stay for breakfast. We ate and then walked down to the post office to pick up our mail drop. We sat across the street at the ATC regional office to go through it and organize our packs. We even decided to mail some things home, like our Alite camping chairs (I haven't used mine yet). Today's 14.3 miles consisted of 12 flat miles that were in and out of the woods and cornfields. Being flat, we were hoping it would be easier, but being in the sun made it more difficult. After 10 miles we stopped at Scott's Work Farm and ate dinner with Half Left, All Right, and Gaia. We filled up on 5 liters of water because the water in PA is unreliable this time of year. The first 2 miles were still flat with lots of nice footbridges over dried up streams. The last two miles were a 1000 foot climb back up into the mountains. The climb is both of our favorite part because we move quickest on climbs, and for me, my blisters and knee don't hurt when climbing. Just before we arrived at Darlington Shelter, we had a beautiful view from the top of the mountain we just climbed. Such a beautiful payoff for the work. Just after the view, we arrived at the shelter. We are here with All Right, Half Left, and Gaia. We hung out, relaxed, and now we are off to bed.

Today is a big day for us for a few reasons. The first is we have broken 100 miles hiked!! We are up to a little over 111 miles!! Those miles have brought us to a new map, which is the second milestone of the day. Our maps are in sections of about 100 miles, so we are on the second one. And the third milestone is that we are spending our first night in a shelter. We've been camping at the shelters but in our tent. Tonight, we are sleeping in the three walled shelter. This one has bunks though so we are not on the floor. : )

End: Darlington Shelter

Peace Be The Journey

1 comment:

  1. I really am enjoying your posts. Don't burn out and start neglecting them. I look forward to each new one. Sounds like the knee is doing ok. Congratulations on your first 100 miles and the start of a new map. I didn't think you would last this long. I've read so many stories, but truthfully, I know you're going to go all the way. Happy hiking!!!!!!! Wenk
