Northbound on the Appalachian Trail

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Immobilized In More Than One Way

July 31, 2012 - Day 2
Start: Top Notch Inn
End: Top Notch Inn
Daily Mileage: 0
Total Mileage: 13.4

I was hoping that I'd wake up and my knee would feel well enough to continue hiking today. I was hoping to at least hike the 3 miles up Wildcat Peaks E and D. At that point, if I were in pain, we could take the gondola down. If I was not in pain, we would continue. Unfortunately, when I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, the pain in my knee told me hiking was out of the question for the day. It was still so painful! I decided I needed to be checked out by a doctor. Of course, I knew I wouldn't like what he would say, but I wanted to see why it hurt so incredibly bad. The diagnosis is tendonitis of multiple tendons in my knee and a bad sprain. The treatment is a full leg immobilizer, crutches, and a week of non loading that leg!!!!! Tears immediately flowed like a faucet. I couldn't even believe this was happening after one day of hiking in the section we have been looking forward to most. From the moment that hiking the AT became a glimmer of a thought in our minds, we have been looking forward to the Whites and beyond. I was battling with being sad that I may not be able to continue, frustrated that even if we do continue, we may not reach Katahdin before we have to return for work, and embarrassed that my friends and family would read that once again, I am injured. I'm frustrated that some people hike the almost 2200 miles from Georgia to Maine and never get an injury, yet I seem to get an injury for every hundred miles we walk, or in this case, for the four miles I walked. It only took a few minutes of tears for problem solving Flicka to take charge. I immediately figured out that if I rest until Sunday and we cover an average of 14 miles a day, we can still reach Katahdin this summer. I just have to be sure my knee is up to the challenge before we continue, as we are in the most intense section of the trail. In the meantime, we have our car so we will drive around and explore while I rest and nurse my knee. I'm ending this day apprehensive, yet hopeful.

Peace Be The Journey


  1. Sorry to hear of your injury, but I'm sure you will bounce back and find a way to keep hiking.

    Something very similar happened to my wife and I this May down on Springer.

    Heal, then hike...


  2. Oh a link to our story if you want to read it while you are immobilized.


  3. Keep positive and hang in. I know how you feel....I feel like every time I get back to really being able to kill it in CF, I have another injury or surgery...first the knee, now the hip. Setbacks suck, especially for something that you planned for well in advance. Listen to your body though...if you can go on, great, but if you don't feel right than don't hurt yourself because there are long term ramifications. I hope the "0" /rest days work in your favor! Rooting for you! Keep smiling!
