Northbound on the Appalachian Trail

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19, 2012

Start: Bromley Sun Lodge, VT (VT 11/ VT 30 on the AT)

Since Brian sprained his ankle, we have been at the Bromley Sun Lodge just outside of Manchester Center, VT. He has been resting it in hopes that he can hike on it soon. Today, we made the decision to shuttle ahead to Norwich, VT so that we would be able to finish our journey with our favorite part, the Whites. If we had more time before work, we would have continued from Manchester Center, but we couldn't let this trip end without a Mt. Washington climb. Once we arrived in Norwich, VT, we walked the 1.5 mile road walk (still part of the AT) into Hanover, NH. Just as we paused to take our picture on the bridge over the Connecticut River where the VT/NH border is, we were greeted by Sandy. There was a kayaking event (PowerPaddlers) going on for suicide prevention. Sandy is a volunteer who was standing on the bridge watching her husband paddle. After taking a picture for us, she gave us great big hugs and told us we are such an inspiration to her. She then walked with us to the end of the bridge, telling all the people around,"They're AT hikers!" Everyone congratulated us and wished us well on the rest of our trek. What a way to enter NH!!! As we parted ways with Sandy, she told us that hiking the AT is on her bucket list. I know she'll do it! Once we reached Hanover, it felt surreal. We've been here before, but we've never walked here (well, mostly walked). So many times we have seen thru-hikers or long distance section hikers in this town (and other towns), always wanting to do what they were doing. Now, we ARE doing it. So surreal. For the last two months, we've been looking forward to walking into NH and today, we finally did. We ate lunch at a great restaurant, visited the couple of outfitters and now are just relaxing in the middle of town. Later, we will get our free piece of pizza that the local pizzeria gives hikers and tomorrow, our free bagel that the bagel store gives hikers. What an awesome town!!! Brian's ankle held up well on the road walk into town, so we are looking to hike out tomorrow. With rocks and roots, we will have to take it slow, but with an average of 10.2 miles a day, we will make it to Gorham, NH by our end date.

End: Hanover, NH

Peace Be The Journey

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